Saturday, March 21, 2020

Advocating for Biracial Adoption

Introduction Adoption of children who have biological parents that are of different races should be encouraged and advocated for. The American National census states that almost three percent of the US population states their race as bi-racial and almost two percent of marriages are bi-racial. Biracial children have suffered the identity crisis throughout history as they have traits from both sides of the mother and the father and hence torn between which of the two races should take preference.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Advocating for Biracial Adoption specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Adoption of such a child by all races without discrimination psychologically gives the child an identity as first to consider he/she a human being and the rest later since she/he is welcome to live with any race. Adoption is an important activity in the society and it gives children in a family; helps people unable to raise t heir children hand them over to capable individuals and help those who cannot give birth to have adopted children. Historical Injustices Biracial persons have always faced challenges throughout history. To oppress the black people during the slave era in America, and avoid the poor people of the Caucasoid race from cooperating with the oppressed blacks, the plantation owners developed the concept of the white people of which has no scientific backing. For further deterrence of intermarriages, they stated that a white person is one who has no trace of another race especially the black race. This meant that all the biracial persons were automatically regarded as blacks. This has continued up to date. The president of US is biracial but he is generally regarded as a black president. Biracial adoption improves the racial tension that has existed throughout history. Hegel a great philosopher and historian once claimed that Africa was filled with darkness and darkness is not a subject of history. Hegel and Immanuel Kant also referred Africans as incapable of thinking, stating that maybe it was because of the equatorial sun. However, great philosophers like Aristotle are known to have studied in Africa, and even puzzled by the sophisticated civilization at that time. Adoption of biracial children helps nullify the biased views of people like Kant. Aesthetic and Moral Philosophy In Aesthetic and moral philosophy, all human beings have the same universal qualities and resembling behavioral pattern. Adoption of biracial children firmly asserts that all human beings are authentic and aesthetically appealing. Before the Second World War, it was rare for white couples to adapt a child not of their race. This has been changing as people have come to realize that no race is superior to the other and the differences in the races are only complimentary and not superiority or inferiority.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get yo ur first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Biracial adoption is a very noble course. It shows that the universal man is one. This is shown in the various adoptions from the world in various disciplines. For example, Africa is credited as the cradle of humanity and civilization, Europe with modern industrialization, Asia with medicine and America with computers. This shows how the various people from different races throughout history have contributed to the development of the world. This has eventually led to globalization. Globalization brings all people of the world together without care of race. The biracial adoption is an initiative towards globalization. Biracial children by mere nature of their biological diversity in parenting can unify, and represent different continents for example Barrack Obama has both American and African ancestry. Biracial children could be taken as an entity of globalization instead of a confusion of identity. Biology Biologically interracial marr iages are encouraged. The children sired have a wide gene pool range and thus more resistant to gene inherited diseases like sickles cell anemia. It would thus be noble to encourage biracial adoption focusing on the positive aspects of the biracial children than their disadvantages. Empiricist’s school of thought argues that the mind is empty at birth and knowledge is only possible through sense perception. Based on this argument then it can be argued that children have a universal trait in that they gain knowledge through experiencing. Therefore, there is no difference between biracial children and other children hence should be adopted like any other child without discrimination or bias (Simon Altstein 36). Culture People’s behavior and culture are intertwined. People exist in societies and thus the society is responsible for shaping the individual person. A person’s behavior is directly affected by their upbringing. Therefore, a society can accommodate peopl e of races and mould them into one compact entity. This can be used to support the adoption of biracial children in that they will not become peculiar or different rather they will become what they are fashioned to be like any other child. Throughout history, ethnicity and racial tension have hampered development and at times sparked conflicts and wars. The slave trade in America and slave labor in America is an illustration of racial oppression. However, America was built by the contribution of all races and none can claim ownership. Therefore, America belongs to all races, which must exist in harmony despite the historical injustices and tension, to contribute in the national building. The interracial, cooperation and integration has been emphasized repeatedly. Biracial children should be viewed as one way of reducing the racial tension and suspicion. If all people were to be biracial then there would be no racism, racial segregation and ethical challenges in racism.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Advocating for Biracial Adoption specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If the child is of a Chinese and American descent then the people adopting the child will be keen to learn more about China, Chinese culture, religion and history and thus more understanding of other countries and in the process international relations are automatically improved. International tensions and warfare are the major issue affecting globalization. Rationality As mortal beings, life takes us through various channels without care of race. All human beings experience pain, joy, win, lose, suffering death, and so on. We all have a common factor, the human entity. We all belong to one species and that is why reproduction between races is possible and unlike other animals, the human race has been blessed with the power of being rational. As a rational being and ethical beings, it is thus unethical and animal like to discrim inate because of race. No person decides the race to belong to so the issue becomes metaphysical (Solomon Higgins 7) and no enough reason can be given. How then can one discriminate another on an issue like race which is beyond our control? On another rational account we deduce that humans beings are one, and race difference is as a result of climatic conditions and habitat variation after thousands and thousands of years, how then discriminate or prohibit on account of natural cause? Throughout America, there are thousands of blended and diversified families as people have become adoptive of children from all races. Agencies for adoption services have been created which is a positive contribution (Sachdev 87). Expectant mothers have the privilege of choosing the families they would wish their babies to be raised in. They do so by looking at the provided family profiles. The adopting families should be emphasized on the need of teaching the adopted child the history of the place of origin of the race, if the family has biological children it would be desired to teach them all and trained to appreciate each other as fully developed human beings lacking nothing. This will remove biases, inferiority complex, and historical bondages (Simon Altstein 45). Conclusion Biracial adoption is a contemporary issue that engages philosophers in the discourse of trying to explain it, its authenticity, moral and ethical issues that may arise and in the process demystifying the issue. Biracial adoption has significantly increased in the 21st Century as the world moves more and more towards globalization. In the past, there was subjugation and slavery between races especially between the Caucasoid race and the black race. Biracial adoption is healthy for all societies as it helps the children to grow in a family just like normal children. It also fosters racial relations eliminating mistrust and bitterness. It is also morally and ethically right as it eliminates discrimination , racism and social segregation yet creates a blended society with equal rights for all. There is also cultural appreciation and endeavors in upholding the dignity of man as a rational being. Biracial adoption should be treated like any other form of adoption without fear, discrimination or bias.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Works Cited Sachdev, Paul. Adoption: current issues and trends. London: Butterworths, 1984. Simon, Rita., Altstein Howard. Transracial. Sussex: Wiley Sons, 1977. Simon, Rita., Alstein Howard. Adoption, Race, and Identity. New Jersey: Transactional Publishers, 2002. Solomon, Robert., Higgins Kathleen. The Big Questions: A short Introduction to Philosophy. Belmont: Wadsworth, 2010. This essay on Advocating for Biracial Adoption was written and submitted by user Brynlee Vega to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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